Monday 30 April 2012

Why did the US lose the war in Vietnam?

List  5 reasons here - Add you first name to the end of your comment


  1. I think the Us lost war because the VC had better tactics and new what they were doing, they also blended in with people from the villages so it made it hard for the Americans to spot who was the enemy. The VC also hid booby traps in the jungle so the Americans were hit unexpectedly.

  2. 1: The VC used booby traps to fight

    2: The VC avoided open combat

    3: America lost because they were not used to this sort of combat.

    4: The VC used ambushing to their advantage

    Cameron Smith

  3. 1. they didn't know who they were fighting

    2. the VC used guerrilla tactics to take out the U.S soldiers without confronting them

    3. The VC used ambushing tactics

    4. the U.S weren't used to this kind of war

    5. The soldiers were under constant pressure

  4. the vc used booby traps
    the vc avoided them
    america lost becas they werent used to the place where they were fighting
    the vc ambushed
    the vc used ambushing to their ad vantage

  5. Cameron InSchool30 April 2012 at 13:15

    1: The VC used booby traps to fight

    2: The VC avoided open combat

    3: America lost because they were not used to this sort of combat.

    4: The VC used ambushing to their advantage
