Wednesday 9 April 2014

Year seven IT lesson.

You are going to to create a revision poster based on the presentations that you did last week. You are going to do this using padlet. Go to . You need to create a new account using an E-mail address and password. When you have done this click on 'Build a wall' and start making your poster. Use lots of information and pictures.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Year 10 Homework - What were the Nazis beliefs and policies on race?

Type in your finding from your research in the comments box. Add your first name only!
Add links to any websites or educational videos that you find.

Monday 31 March 2014

How did the Second World War change British Society?

Your task is to create something special using any different web 2.0 presentation tool to create and share a link to your work here in the comments section.
You may wish to use one of these tools

There are many other great tools you can use IF you want.

To complete this task you need to do some research of your own on the following areas
1) How did the position of women in society change during World War Two?
Check out these websites

2) How did the Beveridge Report change attitudes about British society?

3) Did the war really make Britain a fairer society?

4) In what ways did the role of women change 1945-50?

Tuesday 25 March 2014

How did the media and entertainment industries help Britain during the First and Second World Wars?

Type your answers below. Try to add links to appropriate movie clips, websites etc as well as your own knowledge. 

Tuesday 9 July 2013

GREAT HISTORY WEBSITES!!! - This is a great website for looking at videos that inform you about about the topic you are looking at! It gives you everything you need to know. - This is a site that is highly informative. It goes into great detail about everything. If you can just read something and it all goes in, this is the site for you. However it does not include pictures you can look at.

Monday 30 April 2012

Why did the VC defeat the Americans?

List 5 reasons here - Add your name at the bottom of the post.

Why did the US lose the war in Vietnam?

List  5 reasons here - Add you first name to the end of your comment